Summer Seniors Congress Swiss Teams

This National event takes place on Sun, 11 Jul 2021.

The event is on RealBridge.

Masterpoints awarded for this event: Green.

Scoring for this event: Swiss Teams.

Players of all standards are welcome at most of our events, unless the events are "Jack High " or similar. Typical playing standards at this event are:

  • NGS 6-9 (Improver)
  • NGS 9-J (Intermediate)
  • NGS J-K (Advanced)
  • NGS A (Expert)

For more details see the event web page.

More about this event

Summer Seniors Congress

9th - 11th July 2021, RealBridge

A long weekend of bridge.

The Saturday Swiss Pairs is open to all players eliminated from the Championship Pairs on Friday, as well as new entrants joining the event at this stage. Entry fees for this congress were significantly reduced a few years ago by eliminating the portion that would have gone towards prize money. However, the Edith Kaplan Memorial Award provides a prize of £100: awarded to the winner of the Teams Championship, along with the Edith Kaplan Trophy.

Please note: The WBF - and consequently the EBL and Bridge Great Britain - have adjusted their criteria for eligibility for Seniors events. The EBU has therefore adjusted its criteria in response to this. Please note, therefore, that to be eligible players must have their 62nd birthday or beyond during the calendar year (January-December) of the event - i.e. entrants must be born in 1959 or earlier. See here for further details.

We hope to resume the Seniors Summer Congress at Eastbourne in 2022.

To enter

The easiest way to enter is online through My EBU. Log-in and select 'Book Events' from the Utilities menu. You can also call 01296 317203 or email


2019 Championship Pairs - Roger Forster & Mike Fawcett Championship Pairs 'B' Final - Celia Day & Dan Crofts Swiss Pairs - Joint winners Carla Sidney-Woollett & Lorna Vestey and Malcolm Lewis & Nicky Adamson Swiss Teams - John Holland, Raymond Semp, Frank Wharton & Geoff Foley

Event not held in 2020

Friday 9th11.30am - 2.45pmChampionship Pairs qualifier, session 1 (24 boards)
 4.30pm - 7.45pmChampionship Pairs qualifier, session 2 (24 boards)
Saturday 10th11.30am - 2.30pmPairs A & B Finals Session 1 (9 x 3-boards) with a tea break after five rounds
 11.30am - 2.30pmSwiss Pairs (4 x 7-board matches) with a tea-break after two matches
 4.00pm - 8.40pmPairs A & B finals, session 2 (8 x 3-boards)
 4.00pm - 8.30pmSwiss Pairs (3 x 7-board matches)
Sunday 11th11.30am - 7.15pmSwiss Teams (7 x 7-board matches) with a break after the third match
Entry Fees
(A)Full Congress£98
(B)Championship Pairs£72
(C)Swiss Pairs£37
(D)Swiss Teams£36
(E)Both Swiss events£68

Entry fees are per player and should be made in advance.

Closing date for entries and system cards is 24th June 2021

Master Points

All events are fully Green Pointed, save for the Championship Pairs qualifying rounds (Blue Points only, but all qualifiers are guaranteed a green Point award).


Level 4 agreements are permitted in all events.

Please can you email your Convention Card in the correct format (WBF for Trials and EBU card for EBU Congresses) to We will send you a link to a pdf version which you can then provide at the table for your opponents.

Venue and Tariff

Contact information

Organiser: EBU .
